Monday, January 28, 2013

Introduction & Hello

John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath
I know this… a man got to do what he got to do.
Hello readers!
This is my first official blog post since going public, so here's a little bit about myself. My real name is Clarabelle, but you can call me Clary. I'm 36 years old and my loving husband is named Sam; he's the only one that calls me "Belle". We met when he was beginning his event planning business and I was working my way through college on a business scholarship. I started bartending at a place downtown called "The Shack" and Sam walked in one day and swept me off my feet. After dropping out of college when the lure of the bottle (a side effect to bartending) became too much for me, I decided to get sober and start my own business just like Sam did. Fifteen years and three beautiful kids later, I'm now working from home selling my crafts on ebay and blogging for a handful of fans. Any questions or ideas on how to improve my blog are quite welcome, thank you! 
For my first post I will simply snap a picture of dinner last night, Spanish rice, sausages, fresh tomatoes and onions...simply delicous!
*I am currently involved in several DIY projects, organizing spaces in my home, making mealtime prep and planning more efficient, and keeping up with my daughters' various activities. Ideas, hints, comments, tips, etc are always welcome.*

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